Targeting Human Rights Violators

Recent News

Congressman Chris Smith's statement on the need to establish a War Crimes & Economic Crimes Court in Liberia.

Liberian Flag behind an election box

Liberia elects a new president during a fair and transparent election.

The Advocacy Foundation for Human Rights wants to congratulate the Liberian people on holding a free and fair election, and we are proud to have been involved in this process.

House passes one-year critical PEPFAR extension with strong protections for unborn children and their mothers.

On Sept. 28, 2023, the House of Representatives passed (216-212) the State Foreign Operations Appropriations bill (HR 4665) which includes strong provisions to protect unborn children and their mothers.

Support human rights around the world

Our Mission

Dr. Alan White conducting extensive anti-corruption training for the U.S. Agency for International Development in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Dr. Alan White conducting extensive anti-corruption training for the U.S. Agency for International Development in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The Advocacy Foundation for Human Rights exposes individuals engaging in corruption, violence, the suppression of human rights, and those who are involved in crimes against civilian populations. We also seek justice and accountability for victims of human rights abuses and will seek prosecution and sanctions against responsible actors.

Alan White and Jeff Birrell have broad experience with the International Criminal Court and the U.S. Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act – both of which target perpetrators of serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world.

Jeff and Alan meeting Congressman Chris Smith, Chairman, Global Human Rights, Global Health and Global Operations Subcommittee discussing our Foundation work. Also in attendance is Mr. Piero Tozzi, Staff Director, Executive Congressional Commission on China.
"Where there are human rights violations, there is governmental corruption; where there is governmental corruption, there are human rights violations."
The Honorable
Chris Smith, Member, U.S. Congress. 

Our Founders

The Advocacy Foundation for Human Rights was founded by partners at BW Global Group, LLC, Alan White and Jeff Birrell.

Alan White, Ph.D., is a former Chief of Investigations for the United Nations-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, West Africa. Alan directed all of the war crimes investigations leading to the indictment and convictions of former Liberian President Charles Taylor and multiple other individuals for War Crimes.

Jeff Birrell has more than 35 years of experience in Washington, D.C., and is a specialist in public relations and government affairs. Jeff is a PRSA Silver Anvil recipient, the society’s highest award for International Crisis Management.

Alan and Jeff working the halls of the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.
Alan and Jeff working the halls of the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.

Meet Our Board

Jean-Louis Billion
Chairman of the Board
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Dr. Alan W. White
Co-Executive Director, Board of Directors
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Jeffrey C. Birrell
Co-Executive Director, Board of Directors
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Kenneth P. Moorefield
Chairman, AFHR Advisory Board
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Raymond Steven Orzel
AFHR Advisory Board
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Abbe Jolles
Attorney, AFHR Advisory Board
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